💡  Beta product

This product is a Beta product. This means that it and the information is subject for change, updates or removal.
If you test this product, please let us know your feedback, so that we can make it the best possible product for you. Please share your feedback with us here.


Conversations let you send a question and receive an incoming reply to that question, which you can then handle with a webhook. You don’t have to write any complex matching logic for this or allocate multiple numbers—it’s all done automatically for you with Conversations.

Activate Conversations

Before you can start making requests to this endpoint, you have to activate the Conversations service for each destination country you want to use the service in by contacting our Support


The pricing for Conversations is 2000 SEK per month.
If you have invoicing activated on your account, the price will be added to your invoice. Otherwise, the amount will be drawn from the credits on your account or your activated payment method each month.