/ Get conversation by ID - 46elks
💡  Beta product

This product is a Beta product. This means that it and the information is subject for change, updates or removal.
If you test this product, please let us know your feedback, so that we can make it the best possible product for you. Please share your feedback with us here.

Get conversation by ID


GET https://api.46elks.com/a1/conversations/{id}

Response structure

Example JSON response
  "id": "o114c3651be30e7d3d0c2640a5c645d19",
  "created": "2024-06-04T14:04:01.562000",
  "expires": "2024-06-05T06:04:01.562000",
  "to": "+46766861004",
  "from": "+46766860082",
  "items": [
  "message": "What is your favorite color?",
  "token": "1234567",
  "reply_url": "https://tmp.46elks.com/be4fa8e8bdd1",
  "status": "expired"
Parameter Type Description
id string ID of the MMS.
created string The time in UTC when the conversation was created.
expires string The time in UTC when the conversation will expire (automatically close).
to string The phone number of the recipient, in E.164 format.
from string The number used during this conversation
items list Array containing IDs for sms messages in this conversation.
message string The content of the initial message.
token string Optional user specified token.
status string "started" - Conversation is ongoing and at least one message has been sent out to the recipeint
"waiting" - Too many active conversations to this recipient at the moment, this conversation will be activated when another one is closed.
"closed" - Conversation is closed.
"expired" - Conversation is closed due to no reply before the expire time